Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PlayStation Top Contributers Help?

May be...
  • what did sony really do wrong with the ps3?

    i know blu-ray wasnt a mistake, and that they have farelly close GPU's and Ram.

    So really what is the problem, the Cell? the price thanks.

    also i dont think sony can afford to drop the price it might help but i have 2 suggesions to increase ps3 sales.

    1. Launch a limited edition silver/white ps3.

    2. PUT MORE ADS, most people dont know that the ps3 can watch blu-ray movies,wifi etc.

    WTF, so 360 gets all the glory.

    put more info out there
  • IMHO, Sony's mistake isn't with PS3 itself (this console is great), but with marketing strategies, PR and so on. Sony must invest a lot of money in development of exclusives for all tastes, keeping it's exclusives to PS3 (look how many already lost - GTA, MGS, etc). PS3's cost reduction is a must. Look at Nintendo - they are about to cut the price, Microsoft had done it a couple of times, Sony had done it long time ago, before financial crisis. Sure, some features must go, but it's the console war after all.

    Also Sony made another bad move with PSP Go. Portable market is OK for Sony, they could keep releasing old PSP and work on PSP2 or investing in PS3 cost reduction and games production, but no, they have to release a watered down (yet more expensive) PSP Go (no UMD, smaller screen, clumsy controls for big handed people, etc). Do you think it's smart? Not me.

    I agree with you on 100% - Sony can put more ads, sell ad space (in Home, for example) for lower prices to attract more $. They can make a lot of $ by starting to sell PSN cards in PAL regions, but no, they prefer to waste money on some unimportant crap.

    Will we see PS4 if Sony continues to behave this weak and stupid?

    Very good question, have a star, man. ;-)
  • Sony definitely needs to put more ads and commercials in the Medial that one of the Reasons it selling so poorly compare to the 360 and wii.

    And I don't think Sony can afford any more price cuts they are already losing lots of money just selling the ps3.Even with a price cut it won't help anymore since I think the Wii is getting one so it will make it even cheaper.

    Even if the ps3 sells more I doubt it will ever catch up the the Wii it might be even with the 360 but It will take years before they can ever sell as much as the wii.

    The thing is that last Generation it was the ps2 era now its the Wii era Sony can't aways be the one with the best selling console.
  • You are right however, Sony cannot afford to put down the PS3 prices any longer, it already makes a LOSS for each console it sells.

    Launching a 'limited edition' console i believe would not 'combat' the problem, i for one am not to bovered about the colour of my console.

    As for your AD suggestion, Sony does need to put some form of advertisment out there, I never see a PS3 advert anywhere. XBOX has loads of AD's out there. (however terrible they maybe)

    What sony needs is some more exclusives to really stand out from the crowd, not a new average game like, say, God of War III, but something that can reall bring a new dimension to the console.

    As i am sure you are aware, Home is a dissapointment, It is O.K. but it has not much depth. If home gets a major improvement and a wider appeal, get the word out, actually make some use of all the furniture you have to pay for, and we may see sales shoot. Who knows?
  • Okay first of all dude, stop being such a fanboy... Seriously, I respect the fact that you like the PS3 better than the 360, but some people like the 360's game selection better, or they just find it cheaper. I think the PS3 is much better, but I still don't hate the 360 as much.....

    I agree with #2. They don't have any commercials for it. Microsoft is advertising all the time.

    They need more and more ads and commercials. And seriously, the PSP Go is going to fail. Big time. There's nothing that they improved about it. Smaller screen, weird controls (they are all the way on the bottom, which sucks), and games are only downloadable. The only good thing is that it has a lot of memory.

    And it costs $250...... WTF Sony?!?! The Wii is gonna cost less than that!!

    Advertisement and cost reductions are the two things that Sony must do in order to increase the PS3 sales.
  • Why did the guy who said 'the price' get a thumbs down? A price drop is clearly needed. Making bundles like GT5 bundle and GoW3 Collector's bundle would be nice.

    The one thing that would put PS3 ON TOP... (but would never happen):

  • The Price...how are you going to compete in the video game market with your product and make it more than double the price of the competition.
  • I'm not a top, but personnally I don't think Sony has really lost the war to hardcore gamer's, it's just lost to the casual and amateur gamers which make up a fairly large percentage of the current market. The Wii market has tapped people who couldnt have cared less about video games b4 it came out. Personally if it's not the best systems with the best graphics out there I dont want it, but above all this half a grand for a game system didnt really make those casual gamers too happy.
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