Saturday, June 6, 2009

PS3 Connection Problems!?

May be...
  • Ok so ever since i got a ps3 and hooked it up to my connection it has been interfering with the other computers in my house.

    Like everytime i turn the ps3 on all my other objects connected to it cut out. for example my brother has a 360 and he will be in the middle of a game and it will just sign him off. or my dad will be on the internet and it will say the internet has disconeccted.

    This happens when i turn it on,off,put in a new game,take out that game,update a game. Its anoying and i have no idea how to fix it. Plz help
  • What kind of router do you use Wireless G or N what?
  • No Clue. Im not very smart with these kind of things. How do i check. Report Abuse
  • it depends. if your hooking it up to a router or not. mine is hooked up to my router and i had the same problem as you for a few weeks. then the problem went away. i don't know why. you can try hooking it up wireless trouble shooting like unplugging your ethernet cable and what not.
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