Monday, June 22, 2009

PS3 Freezing, what should I do?

May be...
  • Whenever I play my PS3,which is a 60GB model, it works fine with no problems. It starts up fine and runs correctly when I play games "Except when I play Killzone 2." With Killzone being as addictive as it is, it gets extremely irritating when my PS3 freezes, whether it being online or in the campaign. Like I said, I can plady Cod4 or any other game and nothing will go wrong, but if I play Killzone, thats a different story. Some days it won't freeze at all, but others it can freeze up to 4 times in 1 hour. I really don't want to spend 150 for Sony to fix it if it is a simple problem that can be fixed easily by repair people. I've read that freezing occurs with a messed up graphics card, but since all my other games work, I'm not sure. Anyone else have this problem, or have any suggestions?
  • If you only have this problem with one game, all the other games work fine including similar games like COD4, then the problem is not with your PS3, but with the game.

    Check the game disk it's self, see if it's dirty or if it has a bad scratch, if it is badly scratched, then replace it, if dirty, then just clean it with the proper stuff.

    If the disk is fine, then you could try uninstalling/deleting the killzone game data ( you might not have to unistall game saves) and re-installing:)
  • sometimes it has to do with the internet connection, if you are just playing single player try disconnecting the internet and seeing if that helps. otherwise make sure that your ps3 doesn't randomly disconnect and reconnect to the internet. that was what used to cause mine to freeze.
  • Try turning off Information Board. If this won't help - uninstall the game (not saves) and reinstall it back.
  • dont make a big deal out of it, ur cd might have dust or something, unisntall killzone completely, then install it back again, if that doesnt work just buy a new copy lol
  • ha ha.
  • There is a way to restore your ps3 to the way it was when it was new , I would try that
  • First step would be to buy a 360

    Hope that help good luck on your problem though
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