Friday, June 26, 2009

PS3 scary noises, what is it?

May be...
  • So i have had mi ps3 since 2007 and recently got threw playing madden and in the middle of the game a vacum-cleaner like noise comes from the back of the console. What does this mean? What will happen? And do I need 2 send it back 2 sony?
  • Hey,

    That is just the fan =)

    when games that are really demanding or CPU hogs the fans turn on higher.

    There are about 7 levels of fan speed, and one time when i was playing GTA IV which is usaully always 2 or 3x louder than if its not doing anything, i accidentally left the door closed so it got really hot, i opened it i could feel the heat wave and it sounded like a jet taking off lol

    okay exaggerating but like a small vaccum

    so i would reccomend maybe vaccumiong the vents on your ps3 as its recomnned to do monthley or so, and let the side vent get room to blow off heat,

    good luck =D

    so no worries bud, if you need further help feel free to contact me or add my


  • It definitely sounds like the fan.

    Try to make sure that there is no buildup of dust in the vents, as this can cause overheating which will make the fan work a LOT harder than it should.

    If there is excess dust, you can usually just wipe it off with a clean cloth (socks work very well). If there is an actual clog, then you can get that out with a vacuum but I would suggest watching a YouTube demo on how to do that before actually attempting it yourself.

    Whatever you do, do not open your PS3 to get rid of the dust, as Sony will not help you if you do this.
  • step 1. get rope and book on how to make slipknots.

    step 2. create a slipknot with the rope.

    step 3. tie rope to object 6-7 feet above the ground.

    step 4. get a stool.

    step 5. while standing on the stool, place head into slipknot.

    step 6. kick stool out from underneath feet.

    *actual answer now* fyi, it's your fan, nothing really serious. it probably has something caught in it or it's a bit worn out. nothing to worry about
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