Sunday, June 28, 2009

When is the Sony PS3 going to be $300 Brand New?

May be...
  • When is the PS3 going to drop down to $300 for a Brand New system? I heard something like either Next Year 2010 and something like this late August. When will it drop? I am desperate of buying one.
  • Noone really confirmed the date yet but people at Sony are indeed saying there will be a price drop in late august or early 2010. Every time the PS3 gets a price drop comes something has to be taken out of the model itself, that's why Sony can't just issue a price drop right away.

    E.g. The "original" PS3 (the one that came out in 2006-2007 costed like $599 but it had everything. The current version of the PS3 is $399, but it no longer had backwards compatibility because Sony had to use a cheaper software to run the PS3.

    Edit: I randomly looked up the price cut out of curiosity and many reliable sources claim that the PS3 is not issuing it's price cut until August so they could release it with the new Madden NFL 09 game AND so it will be out during the back to school sales to boost marketing.
  • you are right. it will be late august. if sony does not cut the price, game companies like guitar hero will not support it anymore because nobody will buy it.
  • maybe in august
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