Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When will the next PS3 Price Drop Occur?

May be...
  • When is the next price drop for the PS3 going to be?? I am planning on getting one next tax season so around 6 months.
  • there is a rumor that in August there will be a madden 2010 bundle with the 80gb ps3 for 300 bucks lets see if it comes true
  • There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop in March. Didn't happen.

    There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop in May. Didn't happen.

    There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop at E3. Didn't happen.

    You can see what the rumors are worth. Bottom line is nobody knows except Sony so there is no point asking about it.
  • yea theres a rumor going on about a 100 bucks drop on august when madden comes out
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