Thursday, June 11, 2009

When will PROTOTYPE be fixed for PS3!?

May be...
  • my dad is allowing to buy a ps3 game and i want to get prototype

    but heard there is some problems with it at the moment (that wat i heard)

    and it might take a week for something

    should i wait or buy a next game

    (but first answer the main question)
  • prototype is suppose to be just an average game very repetative and although action filled very bad controls i would advise get infamous it got much higher reviews( infamous got around 90-96% prototype got 70-77% reviews) so rather than waiting just buy a better game, also the game has replay value as you can choose to be good or bad and you get different powers for each, to countinue it also has over 100 side missoins and takes longer to beat, also prototype not being an exclusive will have a rapid price drop in a while(around 3 months) so my opinion is just buy infamous which i think is a better game and wait and buy prototype when it gets cheap!!!

    If you think why is this random guy talking about infamous i want prototype i understand
  • havent red this but its about it
  • idk when its fixed or if its even true but i think 'Assassins Creed 2' should be good and will come out soon and 'Infamous' isnt so bad
  • DON'T BUY PROTOTYPE, inFamous is way better
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