Friday, June 19, 2009

XBOX 360 or playstation 3???????

May be...
  • ok well im thinking about getting an xbox 360 or ps3. dunno which one is better please give me each some plussses and minuses about both of the consoles and all the stats thanks.
  • I recommend the xbox 360 because:

    -They are in my opinion better for shooters.

    -The location of the analog sticks are more comfortable

    -There are better games i.e. Gears and Halo(unless you like ratchet and clank or god of war)

    -Xbox Live is a better experience than PSN, although you have to pay

    -Removable Hard drive

    -more people have the 360

    -The ps3 is more so made for "Button Mashers"

    -Easier controls

    -Has great additions coming up (NATAL)

    -Down-loadable Movies (Netflix)

    -Usb port


    -Free internet (PSN)

    -Graphics are a tad bit better

    -Has a Virtual reality chat room in my opinion is pretty cool

    -PSN is pretty cool

    -connects to PSP

    -Has multiple usb ports

    -When purchased comes with loads of memory (80gb to 120gb)

    -Great customizable avatar

    -Outstanding upcoming exclusives (Modnation Racers, God of War 3)

    -Amazingly quiet when running a game

    -Starts with just a slight touch of the power button.

    -Good gaming interface (menu with no game in it)

    -Internet Browser (awesome in my opinion and fast!)

    -Pretty good shooters (Killzone 2, Resistance 2)

    I hope that helps.
  • Xbox 360

    -Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Viva Pinata, Halo Wars, Splinter Cell Conviction)

    -Xbox Live Service ($59.99)

    -Xbox Live Marketplace (buy xbl arcade games, and rent movies via netflix)

    -*20GB HDD for certain Xbox models, other models like the cheaper arcade model comes with a 512MB card

    -**to play online you need to pay and also requires a hard drive and you need the xbox that comes with a hard drive in order to play


    -Capable of full HD visual and audio

    -internet browsing ability

    -built in wireless wi fi

    -multimedia: music, movies, photos

    -help cure cancer via PlayStation Life

    -wireless and rechargeable DualShock Sixaxis 3 controller

    -PlayStation Network (play online for free)

    -Blu Ray movie player

    -40GB or 80GB HDD storage

    -Sony Exclusive games (Killzone 2, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, Uncharted, Littlebigplanet, Infamous, etc)

    -PlayStation Store (download full games, psn games, and other stuff)

    to tell you the truth, i used to own a 360, and now i have a PS3, overall, there is more value with a PS3, its 100 bucks more but if your smart and know what your money is worth, you owe it to yourself to get a PS3 instead of a 360. Sony's exclusive games offer more value than 360's, and overall last year and this/next year, Sony has more and better exclusive titles like

    -Killzone 2


    -Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    -God of War 3

    -Heavy Rain

    -White Knight Chronicles

    -Demon Souls

    -Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma

    -DC Universe Online

    -The Agency


    -The Last Guardian

    -Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time

    -Gran Turismo 5

    -Final Fantasy XIII: Versus

    -Final Fantasy XIV: Online

    against this year/next year's Xbox 360 exclusives

    -Halo Wars

    -Ninja Blade

    -Alan Wake

    -Splinter Cell: Conviction (probably timed exclusive)

    -Forza Motorsport 3

    -Crackdown 2

    -Halo 3: OSDT

    -Mass Effect 2

    If you want games, yes theres games that come out on both systems, but as you can see, if you want great exclusive games, Sony PlayStation 3 has a crap load of great exclusives that weren't advertised at E3, but that are coming out real soon
  • I dont know either, i have an Xbox 360 and the only thing that sucks is you have to buy xbox live to play online and on a ps3 it is free. A ps3 has BlueRay and built in memory. With an xbox 360 you have to buy memory seperate and to get online you have to have a modem connected directly to it or buy a wireless adapter for $100. You can buy games and demos on Xbox 360 and im not sure about the PS3.
  • i say xbox.


    Large xbox live community

    Many exclusives

    Live is very fun


    Gotta pay for live

    Can't think of any more



    blu ray

    Some exclusives, but not as many good ones as the 360

    free live



    Not many good games for it
  • xbox 360 has a better online community and great games.

    ps3 has better specs. good games.
  • A PS3 is worth the money because it has more features and you don't need to subscribe online. An XBOX 360 needs subscription to go online and it might get the Ring of Death when you play it too much
  • palystatin has internat an x box has music but playstation has music and internet

    IT WILL GET THE RED RING OF DEATH (trust me i have one)

    (i have the ps3 and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!)
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