Friday, July 17, 2009

Computer Evolution Is This Possible?

May be...
  • like back in the day floppy disks were like 32mb. and transfer was slow, now we get lik 500kb-1mb per second. pendiong on ur pc.

    is it POSSIBLE that years and years ahead, mp3 players could be say 160TB, rather 160Gb, and song files increas in size like 500MB for one song. super high quality etc, and transfer rates from say a movie at 1gb a second.?

    just wondering

    ****reason im asking here is because the ps section has less jerks than PC, amnd smarter here
  • Yes. A couple of years ago having 1GB MP3 player was a luxury. Now they cost like 20$. Another example - on my shelf I've got HDD that was made in 1988. It has an amazing capacity of 80MB, size (and weight) of a brick (and it was a very good HDD back in those days). And look at current 2.5" 1.5TB HDD. And I'm sure that in 20 years we'll look at this 2.5" HDD and laugh. First games could fit on 5.25" discs (360KB) or tape cassettes. Now look at MGS4 and it's Blu-ray. It's the way of the progress. I'm positive that we'll see portable multimedia players with 300TB memory and gaming consoles or computers with petabyte HDDs. In the future we'll look at PS3 the same way we look at NES, Sega Mega Drive or Atari now (good old nostalgic feeling).

    BTW, 3.5" floppy discs were 1.44MB, not 32MB. :-)
  • well 10 year ago 1tb hard drive cost $10,000 and now its like $150

    and im in yr 11 when i was in yr 7 i got 128mb usb for $50

    now i got 4gb usb for like $10

    so i reckon in 10 years u will be able to get like a 10tb ps4 or something crazy and like 1tb usb and so on

    also they will probs have like a disk like 1tb disk like super bluray they already working on that

    also super high quality sound like a gunshot makes it sound like a gun shot not a recorded one behind u i reckon yeh they could do it probably be like 1 megabit per second required and like 100mb per song
  • the ultimate aim of technologies are. to compress files with better quality,

    and increase the Download/upload speeds in the internet, and also make devices small/ increase there capacity(storage), so that mean yes someday you might have a MP3 player with 160TB, and a file size may not be 500MB( because we always hate huge file sizes, and like to compress with good quality of course).and movie download at 1Gbps will be a reality very soon.
  • Absolutely it's possible. You can ask any professional who's been in the computer industry for 30 years if they ever thought we'd have the technology we have today and they'll tell you they couldn't have imagined it in their wildest dreams.

    You should look up something called "Moore's Law", it's a good read. The premise of it is that processing power doubles every 12-18 months. So yeah, I wouldn't doubt any of what you asked about.
  • Dude, back in the day, if you had a 128mb memory stick, you were a god. Haha. Now even the Micro memory sticks go to 8gb.
  • Yup it's possible
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