Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If Other Companies Can Create Blu-Ray Players, Why Cant Microsoft Use Blu-ray in there next console?

May be...
  • Cause Sony Hold Most Of The Royalites And Stuff
  • Microsoft can and they probably will, but their next console will most likely appear around 2015. That's because if Microsoft makes a new console now, they will most likely give up support for the Xbox 360 (like they did for the orginal Xbox). Plus they will piss a lot of people off who have Xbox 360's for such a fast change. Anyways if a new Xbox came out right now with a Blu-Ray player in it, the console would cost around the same as the PS3, which ruins their main price advantage they have over the PS3 now. Sony was really smart with the Blu-Ray move and it will put Microsoft in a tight spot in few years when all the game developers come to realize the potential of the Blu-Ray disc and the PS3.
  • Sony doesn't hold most of the royalties. Blu ray is a new technology invented by 7 of the most influential tech companies in the world. Some of the most famous of the 7 are Hewlett packard, sony, and apple.

    I don't know if you are asking about the xbox 360, or the computer consoles.

    For the xbox 360, microsoft entered into a contract with the HD dvd program. You buy the xbox 360, and then buy an external hd dvd drive. They aren't putting them into the 360 consoles because they don't have the contract for it. Other companies enlisted into contracts, as well as sony being one of the contributors.

    For computers, microsoft does have upgrades to put blu ray in, but as a custom add on, because not enough people want or need a blu ray drive in their computers. I believe a blu ray drive can be bought for about $200-$250+, depending upon whether read only or blu ray writeable.
  • Microsoft can probably easily put blu-ray on their Console.But the reason I think they don't put on the 360 is because you can just buy a movie on the xbox 360 for $20 with 1080p which is cheaper than buy a $30 blu-ray disc for the ps3 and and the movie is probably going to look the same.
  • Because by then Sony would have another format better than Blu-Ray as for their next console.
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