Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ive owned several ps2s in the past large slim new used and they all have had 1 problem or another?

May be...
  • with dvd movie playback, some dvds seem to play better then others, the games play fine its the movies in a ps2 that never work 100%
  • Me too, DVDs always froze up and sh*t.
  • Out of all video game systems I've owned, and I've had everything from an Atari (2600, 5200) to my curent PS3 and I've never had as much trouble with any of them as I've had with the Playstation line of consoles !

    PS1, PS2 and now my PS3 have all gave me problems in one way or another !
  • o... ok whats ur question my friend?
  • Sounds pretty normal to me. The PS2 has always been an average DVD player at best.
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