Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lets have a vote. Is xbox360 or ps3 better?

May be...
  • i just want to know if i should buy a ps3 cuz i already have a 360
  • 360: $7.99 a month for xbox live

    ps3: $0.00 a month for ps3 live

    360: plays movies in HD

    ps3 plays movies in BLUE---RAY

    360 halo, halo : odst, HAlo wars

    ps3 killzone2, uncharted 2, infamous

    360 graphics : 720 p

    ps3 graphics : 1080p

  • PS3 is definitely better, for several reasons:

    -BluRay Discs (Hold 6 times as much space, which means more area's, maps, and overall gameplay, as the DVD's XBox games are printed on.) You can also play BluRay Movies.

    -More Hard Disk space. 80G or 160G, whereas XBox is 60G or 120G.

    -Better Graphics. With 1080p, the PS3 conquers 360's measely 720p.

    -More variety of exclusive games: Uncharted, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, WipeOut HD, Killzone 2, Bigs 2, etc. Where it seems 360 is stuck with shooters and RPG's...Halo...Halo...Oh did I mention Halo? yeah, that's about all wait, that's not even worth far as exclusives go, that's about all they have. (Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Star Ocean, and most other popular games, are also available on PC)

    -No batteries for controllers! You don't have to replace, or buy rechargeable batteries, since the controllers are already rechargeable.

    -Better online play: No cost. Internet is 100% free. Little to no lag. (In all my experience with online play, I haven't once found a bad lag. (except with LittleBigPlanet, which has horrible online play anyway...) The community is small, but to me, that means, less annoying ten year olds ruining your fun.

    -Game Sharing! You can download games your friends buy, and they can download games you buy, so you don't all have to pay for it just to play with your friends! That's, I have about 17 games, and I only bought about 5-6 of 'em!

    W3ll, that's all I got right now...pl3as3 mak3 th3 right d3cision. ;)

    Side Note:

    XBox tries to act like a lot of multi-platform games are there's:

    Call of Duty 4




    Thy're just mad that we have it too...I guess...Oh also, word on the street is that PS3 will be getting Castle Crashers, Left 4 Dead, and possibly Gears of War!!!
  • ps3.

    ive played online for 360 and ps3 and theres not much of a difference. if you care just about actual online gameplay, they are the same, 360 only has a better online store.

    ps3 has wireless, 360 wireless is an extra 100 bucks


    and of course kz2, uncharted, lbp, etc
  • Ps3, i had a 360 and its nothing but **** (like my wii which i only play for zelda and ssbb)

    Ps3 has my favorite games, free and great online and can play blu ray which is's like when i bought my ps2 for the first time.
  • ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 yea its worth it
  • PS3 hands down, the biggest reason is they are more reliable
  • This is a no brainer. Definitely the PS3!!!!
  • PS3 is better.
  • Ps3 is better.
  • 360 is better.
  • Xbox 360 is better.
  • 360
  • 360 for online multiplayer ps3 for single player and multimedia.
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