Sunday, July 19, 2009

Metal Gear Rising for the 360? Is Hideo Kojima mad about it and doesn't want anything to do with it?

May be...
  • Is that true? I heard he was mad about it being also on the 360 and wants nothing to do with it, so he quit.
  • No, but he should quit. MGS was a great series but it's run it's course and it's time for it to step aside so new games can make it. All old series should quit. Or they end up like Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo where you have to wait 4 years for the next release. And they lose their creativity.

    Also since Kojima still has yet to discover the amazing analog thumbstick, or real 3d engines instead of fixed-perspective.

    It would suck about it going to 360 except for one thing: they get Raiden. That's almost like a joke on the 360. You want Metal Gear? Ok, you can have the part everybody hates. The character who was so bad that Kojima put snake in a raiden mask at the beginning of snake eater so people would cheer when he took the mask off. Who cares if the 360 gets Metal Gear Raiden? Who wants another Raiden game? He was running around naked in mgs2.
  • nah he didnt quit the MGS$ team and him are working on Metal Gear Peacewalker which he considers MGS5 class game and to him it is his MGS5

    Metal Gear Rising has raiden and he said no Snake and he said he will leave it mostly to his younger staff and younger team to do it, also its not the same genre as metal gear solid which is stealth action its something different come rember as of what
  • Kojima didn't quit Konami...Sheez the Konami CEO will have a heart attack if he sees Kojima's resignation. He is concentrating on MGS:PW for PSP.

    MGS:R as Konami said is a spin off casting Raiden. It is really different from the MGS series as it says 'Lightning Bolt Action' throwing the stealth genre out. So he just gave the project to another team and is working on MGS5/MGS:PW.

    Why the hell would Kojima be upset of it cause it's on the 360? He will get money per MGS copy sold on the 360... And trust me a lot of money. He only said MGS4 would be a exclusive and well it is an exclusive. Besides, thos isn't the first time MGS is on an Xbox... Even MGS2 was on the original Xbox, but all the Original MGSes have always been on the PS platform.
  • Are you kidding me! HE CAME up with the idea to put it on the 360! MY HEro BETRAYED ME! BETRAYED ALL 20 million PS3 gamers!

    now i aint buyin MGS rising....ever!
  • He did not quit, but he does not see it as a real MGS game and is not having anything to do with the story or developement of the game at all.
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