Friday, July 17, 2009

Ps3 network question, won't be free in future?

May be...
  • I have heard that Playstation Network will charge for the free online gaming in future? is this true?

    i was considering buying a Ps3 for free online gaming
  • It will definitely be staying free. The PS3 is already struggling against the XBOX 360. If they were to charge for internet then this would severely harm their sales.

    There is no way they will start charging.
  • since the xbox 360 is cheaper than ps3 they must keep ps3 online free because that what attract people so if they charge for onilne the sales will go down and sony won't do that also if they want money from online like microsoft they would charge for home but sony make home a free download this why i love sony
  • PSN will not be paid for and always will be free. This is because Sony doesn't want to spend as much money as micrsoft did on their live service. So to compete with XBL, sony made PSN free. PSHome is really good and would be worth it even it was paid for.
  • Sony has stated on various occasions that the PSN will remain a free service. Fear not, future PS3 gamer, the only thing you'll pay for is the content of your choosing.
  • Sony have always said that Playstation Network will always stay as a free network.
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