Monday, July 13, 2009

What is the point of PS3 trophies?

May be...
  • okay first, ahahah love con air. on to the answer. i dont know if there is any real reasoning behind the trophies besides to make the game more challenging and add a higher replay value there is also the show elemement when someon looks at your profile and sees that you have so many trophies besides that they may unlock extras within in the game when you get trophies. their fun even if they are a failed attempt to be like 360 achievments.
  • The point is that so you could show off to people how you don't have a life by having 1,000 trophies and being at level 50 or something.

    Just kidding

    It shows how good you are in a certain game and compare that to other people to kinda see which is better at the game.

    It also helps when your done with the game. You could earn trophies when your done with the game, instead of playing the game for 12 hours and done with the game and ending up throwing it away.

    Trophies are pretty fun to collect

    It gives you a challenge of playing the game instead of playing the game one time.
  • trophy is for showing ppl that u have done certain things in the game

    and the more trophies u have the more level up u get to ur account

    i have just got re5 platinum trophies and everybody now know that i have done all the things in the game that could be done :D

    and remeber the more trophies u get the higher ur level gets
  • The main point is for replayability and show. Some people like to show off their trophy level and such while others just use trophies as a way to lengthen the life of a game that they love. Personally, I use trophies for the latter. I think it's pretty stupid to get trophies just for show. It only shows that you're a huge nerd.
  • It adds replay value to a game, it makes a game more funner if u r aiming to get the trophies, when ur done playing through a game u may wanna go back through it to try and unlock the trophies kind of like xbox gamer achievements

    they are also for show
  • Trophies are meant to add replayability to the game. Instead of just beating the game, you can keep working to get more trophies and build up your total score. Also, at some point Home is supposed to let you lose trophies as currency.
  • Collecting PS3 trophies is mainly just for show

    If your playing online and someone would like to no what games you own,that is the simplest way of doing it ; By trophies
  • there is absolutely no point to the ps3 trophies they are just a poor attempt to compete with the 360's achivement system the trophies just sit there they do nothing
  • They add a whole new dimension to the games and give the replayability factor which some of the games had been lacking.
  • To shows how good you are in a certain game, and compare that to other people...
  • others would see how good at games you are and what games you own
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