Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Will the game M.A.G for PS3 be good?

May be...
  • A game will be released next year in January, M.A.G, it says there will be 256 players online at once. I was wondering how the graphics will be, and if it will lag at all? And also, how will the game overall gameplay be? I bought a ps3 and have Killzone 2 and MGS 4 there both amazing, and I wanted to ask how M.A.G will be?

    Thanks, will give the best answer many points!
  • I was at E3 and played MAG (though not with 256 player... a much smaller group.) and I must say I was really impressed. The game controls feel like COD... The movements also feel the same... The graphics though not KZ2 quality are still good judging the scale of the game (again COD kind graphics)...

    The only main concern about the game is that will it hold up with more than 200 players... They did show a 256 player demo at E3 and the game played without major frame rate hitch... So thats good news.

    There are 3 different groups to select... Also, each team gets divided in squads of 8.. You get options to select any missions from blowing bunkers to striking a place and capturing it (tons of missions show up and you have option)... All in all each individual mission affects the war balance... It works really well.... You feel a part of the 'War' going around you when you play it... With each mission shifting the outcome. You also rank up like every other FPS...

    All in all, MAG looks great if you ask me. I felt like I am in the middle of a war.... It's like COD on a massive scale... Trust me the scale is massive.... I thought it would be a killfest where 1 grenade drop would kill many, but the map are again really really massive (bigger than anything yet) so 256 player can be accommodated well.

    The main thing I like about it is that it's not run and gun like COD or KZ2... It requires team work... Sometimes you will have to join with other squads (of 8) to take down a more fortified target.. that time, air strikes at strategic points and helicopter re-spawning at nearby locations are crucial... So teamwork is really important...

    I really hope this game does well... The only problem it will have to face is to keep the frame rates up during many people on screen.. If it can do that, then everything else is top notch... It's early, but the online can be revolutionary.

    EDIT: Don't mind the above guy.... Poor kid hasn't had his medicine or probably can't afford a PS3....
  • MAG stands for "M"an, playstation is "A"ctually "G"ay. You should throw your piece of crap playstation in the trash (preferably a compactor just to be safe). Then go out and buy a 360 they are way better anyways. Also this trick will save you money in the long run because, if you keep playing your ps3 later on in life you will spend a fortune on a psychiatrist to deal with your inadequacy complex.
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