Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do You Think Microsoft Is The Biggest "Me Too" Corporation Ever?

May be...
  • They copy everything Sony does now, they throw money at exclusives and cant come up with any good ideas like Halo. even though halo is practically dead now, execpt for a few fanboys.
  • Of course they are! I can't belive I actually wanted a Wackbox. Thank god my friend pointed me down the right path to Sony(though I had a ps2 already). But yea microsoft just tries to wait and see what sony or nin does and tries to make a better version. For example Natel is getting way to much hype and credit where in the end it might just be like "ok I'm playing my game with no controller....." Its going to be dumb, stupid, retarded all together ppl will eventually get tired of moving around just to get their player to walk a couple steps and what not. Yea I'm gonna waste time actually punching my own fist to make this guy punch too when I can just press a simple macro for games omg that was declared when they begged for GTA 4. From that day you should have seen them planning on taking sony exclusives. Now they want FFXIII.....ok they got it but their copy will be on 3-4 discs LMAO!!!!! When sonys blu ray format requires just 1 not to mention 360 user might have to purchase the additional discs XD. Anyways yea microsoft needs to stop stealing and focus on their own work. How would they react to hearing sony has rights to Halo,Fable and other exclusives? They'd cry. O and btw sony most likely will reveal the Slim at a cost of $300 which was rumored for a while now.....BREAKING NEWS: microsoft drops pro kit and lowers elite to $299............omg we didn't see this coming......
  • Well what Microsoft does is pay companys like Bethesda a *** load of money so they can get the DLC for Fallout 3 first, when there money finaly runs out the DLC comes to the PS3. Sony knows they're getting the DLc so they don't waste there mney and get it 1 to 3 months later. Report Abuse
  • I hate to break this to you, but "throwing money at exclusives" is hardly something Sony invented. It's how business is done in the console world. It's how Sony dominated the console market with the PS1 and PS2. It's also how Sony LOST that domination by FAILING to do this for the PS3. As a result, Microsoft saw an opportunity and swooped in. Again, you can't slam Microsoft for this - Sony did the exact same thing to Nintendo by wooing Square back in the PS1 days.

    If anything, you should be slamming Sony for "me too'ing" Sega and Nintendo by coming out with its own game console, throwing money at companies for exclusives, and even having online play for a console (Dreamcast was the first to offer any sort of modern online support.)

    As for Sony's in-house developers vs. Microsoft's, OK, maybe. Microsoft is hardly known for their game development even for the PC. Besides which, they didn't do Halo either. They bought Bungie who used to be, of all things, a game developer for the Macintosh, and made them make Halo a PC, then Xbox, exclusive.

    As for not coming up with anything good, what about Live and Achievements? Microsoft had Live up and running from day one of the original Xbox. Yeah, Sony had talked big plans for the PS2 online - including built-in AOL support, built-in Netscape browser with Flash support, email, and more. But none of these ever materialized. In fact, Sony didn't even release the hard drive and ethernet interface for the PS2 until AFTER Microsoft released the Xbox! Suddenly online multiplayer was a very desirable - and profitable - feature for console games, and Sony wanted in. Badly! Even then, Sony started out behind. The online support for the PS2 was embarrassing compared to the online community that Microsoft provided, and this was one of the big elements industry experts hoped Sony would improve when the PS3 arrived.

    Well, when the time came for the current generation of consoles to arrive, what did we? A new and improved Live, which launched with the 360, and just about every launch game had online support, as well as the ability to download new items via Live's Marketplace. Meanwhile, Sony didn't even start talking to developers about online play until it was too late for most developers to include it in their launch titles. Big mistake. And again, Sony is playing catch-up against a vastly superior online system in terms of performance and features. Yes, online play costs $50/year with the 360, but honestly, if you're playing online a lot, having a fast and stable network is going to be worth the money. On the other hand, when Sony put Home online, it pretty much destroyed any stability their already over-subscribed network might have had. Come on Sony, network planning isn't new, or difficult...

    Then there's achievements. Sony dismissed them at first, but just barely a year after the PS3 was launched, what happens? Sony starts talking about Home, and these things called "Trophies" which for all intents and purposes are just achievements, renamed. And even then it's taken Sony over a year to get game developers to even include trophies in their games! That's just pathetic if you ask me. What's the point of having a feature like this if it's not available in all new games going forward?

    Finally let's not forget Sony slamming Microsoft for not being able to provide full backwards compatibility with their previous generation of games. Yet today, every 360 with a hard drive can still play original Xbox games, while Sony downgraded the feature one year after release, and then dropped it altogether a year after that. Today, no PS3 sold in stores today can play ANY PS2 games. At All. Which is weird because even one of Sony's own game studios, Naughty Dog, will be releasing their next Jak & Daxter game on...the PS2.
  • Microsoft just wishes to show off and try to hurt the PS3 owners.

    I mean, keeping DLC TIMED-exclusives? I mean, they eventually come to the PS3 too. Microsoft are pricks, end of.

    They're proud of getting MGS:Raiden even though it's not the official storyline and Hideo isn't even working on it.

    So yeah, MS sucks. Sony may not provide us the best service but they're not fags.
  • yup they try to do many things like PLAYSTATION 3 like wireless controllers lithium batteries i mean come on because PLAYSTATION tried to do something like the Wii like adding motion sensing now the xbox decides to copy them but just make a little bit different let's face it xbox is wants to be a PLAYSTATION 3
  • Yeah, pretty much.
  • yeah Ash A and american... is right microsoft is too dumb too know what to do next
  • The PS3 sucks. It looks like a fax machine.

    The console makers don't make the majority of the games. The only company that does that is Nintendo and if you notice they won't drop their mimis like Mario and Zelda which has contributed to their lack of sales before the Wii.

    Game Designing companies make the games like Square Enix, Konami, Namco, and Bethesta. Why would they keep their game to ONE console and limit their earning potiential. If Microsoft does throw money at exclusives its only because those companies want money thrown at them.
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