Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to burn ps3 games to disk?

May be...
  • Hi there, iv'e been doing a little research i have come across two sites:



    Now from as far as i can gather you can burn the game onto a dvd + r Dual Layer.

    What i really need to know is that

    1. It requires no flashing/modding consoles whatsoever

    2. That it runs completely normal when you put it into your ps3, xbox 360

    3. That it would run on any other console, e.g. my friend's absolutely fine like the real thing.

    Before i pay for the membership, i need to know these things, and if the information above is provided could you tell me which site is best to go with?

    Thanks guys
  • They are both scams. Here are my sources:
  • there both scams you cant even play copied ps2 games without a modded ps2 so there's no way you would be able to play copied games on a ps3 with the advanced technology and even if you could you would need to burn it onto blu-ray or the ps3 wouldn't recognize it as a game
  • I don't believe most PS3 games will copy to a DVD-R. They use Blu-Ray for a reason; the DVD-R doesn't have enough space to hold it all. You must copy to Blu-Ray. Its not easy to compress that data either.

    You can't copy PS3 games and this is common knowledge. That's how we know its a scam. Sony and the game developers do not permit copying any Playstation games for any reason whatsoever and they do not provide legal downloadable copies to sites like these.

    Another reason is its too good to be true. Downloading games for any console with one flat fee? It is never, ever that simple or easy, especially with the current gen consoles. (One of them is using the concept pic of the PS3, how pathetic).

    All Playstation consoles require a mod chip to play burned games and they never play without console modification (since all of this is illegal). There is no mod chip for the PS3. That is just one reason why it won't play burned PS3 games. No exceptions to this.

    Copied games will not work once game updates become available. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why copying PS3 games have been so unsuccessful to this point. The console itself will probably stop working it you had attempted to mod it.

    Sony will ban you from the PSN permanently once you try to run the copied game. Sony could also have you reported to the local authorities for committing piracy. Your ISP can also report you for committing piracy. They will figure out what you're doing because you're gonna be attempting to download some really big files and that will use up cap limits and things like that.

    Its cheaper to buy the game in the end. Don't risk missing out on updates or trouble with the law.
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