Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is it true sony are going to start charging?

May be...
  • Is it true sony are going to start charging for their live service?

    My bro's a Dm working in the industry - hes a bit sketchy about details but told me sony are going to start charging (possibly around christmas time) in Europe for a premium live service. I googled but all I’ve found is this:…

    Cant find anything concrete or official. Please understand I’m not after personal opinion (I’m looking for backups or links on this from experts, retail employees etc if you've they've 2 minutes)?
  • I dont think anyone on yahoo will be able to answer this. Sony certainly won’t confirm it because they have a history of BS. Youre better off asking this on the official forum or user forums. Every 12yr old who owns a games console thinks theyre an expert on yahoo.
  • That's highly doubtable. If sony were to do that that would just give undecided console buyers a reason to get xbox because if I'm gonna pay for somthing its gonna be top of the line. Sony decided om free service to lure gamers not push them away. Let's say there's a small chance sony needs a profit and and does charge, it wouldn't be near 50 dollars and if it did, u can just see PSN soaring past xbox live.
  • You won't find a true answer here, just opinions. At this point in time, I would say no. I don't own a PS3, but I'm pretty sure Xbox Live has a lot more features which is why it costs money. So as long as they are trailing the Xbox in feature, I don't see how they could charge. They would also be taking away a reason why some people like PS3 over 360. When people give reasons why they like PS3 more, they always say free online play.
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