Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Should I get Call of Duty 4 or pre-order Uncharted 2?

May be...
  • I want to play Call of Duty 4 before getting Modern Warfare 2, but I think that might risk my oppotunity to pre-order Uncharted 2. But I was going to pre-order 3 games. The reason I'm saying this is because I want LittleBigPlanet GOTY edition and its $60. If I get CoD4 I could probably only pre-order 2 games and the 3 main games I want are Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, and Demons Soul's.
  • Rent CoD4, Buy Uncharted 2

    Simple ;)
  • Uncharted 2.

    Call of Duty kinda made history but this year and next year, games have over-taken Call of Duty.

    TBH, I recommend that you save your money and DON'T buy Modern Warfare 2 but that's totally up to you.

    But yeah, get Uncharted 2. Call of Duty 4 will just make you pull your hair out when you hit all 4 shots of shotgun and you get pistol-killed.
  • Honestly, I wouldn't get CoD4 instead of Uncharted 2. CoD4 for starters is getting fairly old. Plus, ever since it was released, so many amazing FPS games were released that it simply doesn't live up to. Granted it's a great game, but not interesting anymore.

    Uncharted 2 on the other hand is an extremely promising game and so far, most impressive game I've seen this year. If I were you I'd preorder it instead.
  • COD4 is a sick game man i have it sealed for a month but i aint playin it until i beat R6 i no i will hate R6 once i start playin COD4

    anyways i bet there wont b much of a differnce with 2 and first one in da end of da day its up to u
  • Uncharted 2. just pre-order it for $5...then pay the rest when it comes out.

    In the mean time...go RENT Modern Warfare. Then that way you can save money and get the games that you want.
  • I say get Uncharted 2 CoD4 is'nt that amazing anymore... since many hackers and glitchers.... CoD WAW on the other hand is better (if you don't have it though).

    I really hope CoD MW 2 will be patched on regular bases to prevent glitchers :/
  • just leave littlebigplanet out of it or Demon's souls and get both of them i think you could wait 1 more year for LBP and you can wait for Demon's Souls too
  • CoD4 because like the other guy said, it made gaming history. LOTS of people play it everyday and it will get you prepared for CoD:MW2.
  • get a preowned cod4 it will be 20$
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