Friday, August 21, 2009

Yo is a ps3 worth 160 bucks?

May be...
  • because there is one at this pawn shop for 160
  • I bought one for 600$ and still say it was worth it... It's a freakin steal at 160 bucks (well if it's working that is)
  • it depends since it is so cheap there might be something wrong with it cause usually they go for about 399 each so i would ask the that works at the pawn shop if it is any thing major wrong with it but if it is not nothing major wrong with it i would buy even if it only had a few scratches i would still buy it but if it is something else wrong with it dont waste your money buying it just save up your money and buy a new one
  • You should test it out and make sure it works. it also depends on how many GBs it is. The old 60GB ps3 had problems. The new ps3 slim is $300 and coming out september 1st. It is 120GB.
  • i am not sure but its a good deal if you are getting it for 160.but make sure its not second hand .and check the warranty card. And most importantly get it checked on the shop itself before taking it home.
  • Depends... The new PS3 slim which has a 120gb harddrive costs 300$ new. So get the new one: smaller and probably more memory.
  • if it works it up and resell it on ebay!! make a good 150 bucks!
  • $150!?!? If it works get it. That's 50% off!
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