Monday, January 21, 2008

Can PS3 games have multiple game saves? Please, please, help????

May be...

  • Okay, do you know how on PS2 games, you could have multiple game saves? Like Game Save 1, 2, 3 , etc.. So that many gamers in the house could share one game with different saves, without having to share one.

    Please, tell me that the PS3 has this feature. Because I have Spiderman 3, and Motorstorm, and neither have this. If not, then will future titles have this?
  • There are already PS3 games out that have a multiple game save feature.

    Some PS3 games that I have that have the multiple game save option are:

    Uncharted Drakes Fortune

    Resistance Fall of Man

    Heavenly Sword

  • Well some games have it and some games dont. Just like on the ps3 some games do that and some dont thats the excact same on the ps3 and has always been. I dont know about the future.
  • Some do and some don't but if you would change the user before playing the game it may save to the user name and not the title name
  • That really depends on the game. If it's that important try finding out before you purchase the game.
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