Thursday, February 28, 2008

Can i play PS2 games in PS3 console?if yes.. anything specific to be done?

May be...
  • The answer is not immediately obvious, and depends on where your PS3 is from, what model it is and when you bought it.

    Initial models in the US and Japan came in 20GB and 60GB versions. These all contained the PS2's "Emotion Engine" and graphics processor. Therefore these are the best PS3 machines for playing PS2 games on.

    When the PS3 was released in Europe in 60GB flavour, Sony took the decision to remove the "Emotion Engine" which was so important in PS2's life, and instead to emulate PS2 gameplay with "software emulation"- meaning that rather than using PS2's chip (now missing), PS3's power would be put to pretending it was a PS2 to run the games. The PS2 graphics chip was still present, but now run by the software-emulated PS2 rather than a dedicated PS2 processor. This meant that while many games worked fine, there are plenty that run at a lower standard, and many that won't run at all.

    Sony Europe then made a further decision to scrap the 60GB model totally, and released only a 40GB model, which not only had the Emotion Engine removed, but also the graphics chip for PS2 compatibility. Meaning that 40GB European PS3s will not play PS2 games AT ALL.

    Eventually, the US has seen a 80GB version which featured the graphics chip but no Emotion Engine (meaning PS2 compatibility as an emulator and not 100%; more titles have problems in this environment) and a cut-down 20GB version which was the equivalent of the EU 40GB version (no PS2 compatibility).

    Therefore, we can compile a list from "most compatible" to "incompatible":

    60GB US Launch PS3: PS2 compatible (has PS2 graphics synthesizer & Emotion Engine; mostly compatible)

    20GB US Launch PS3: PS2 compatible (has PS2 graphics synthesizer & Emotion Engine; mostly compatible)

    60GB EU Launch PS3: Fairly compatible (no EE, but has has PS2 graphics synthesizer; software emulation only).

    80GB US PS3: No Emotion Engine; but has PS2 graphics synthesizer ; software emulation only; as 60GB EU PS3.

    40GB EU PS3: No compatibility

    (Note: Japan have had pretty much the same PS3s as the US).

    It is important to keep the "firmware" up-to-date on backwards-compatible PS3s, as many issues with PS2 games have been resolved as issues are ironed out. However, it is debatable as to whether Sony are still addressing issues with PS2 BC now that they have dropped it as a feature in the newer PS3s.
  • If you have a 40GB model it is impossible.

    Otherwise there is nothing you "have" to do. You simply place the disc in the PS3. You may need to check BC on sony's website though.
  • It depends on which version of the PS3 you have.

    If you have the 40 gb version, then you cannot play PS2 games on it. It's missing both the PS2's CPU and GPU, so no way to play PS2 games.

    If you have the 80 gb version, then you just need to get the latest firmware update, and for the most part, you should be able to play a lot of your PS2 games on it.

    If you have the 20 and 60 gb version, then you just need to get the latest update in order to correct some of the problems that you get from playing PS2 games on your PS3. The 20 and 60 gb should play almost all PS2 games.
  • it should
  • 1). 20GB has no chrome trim, no memory card reader and no wi-fi. Not manufactured anymore. Has the best backwards compatibility with PS2 games due to Emotion Engine (PS2's CPU) and Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU) installed.

    2). NTSC 60GB has the same backwards compatibility as 20GB version, also has memory card reader and wi-fi. Has a chrome trim. Not manufactured anymore.

    3). 80GB - extended memory, but reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games, it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played. Available only in NTSC regions.

    4). 40GB - can't play PS2 games at all (all PS2 chips were removed), has 2 USBs instead of 4, no memory card reader, has wi-fi. Avalable in black and white colors. White is on sale only in Japan. Uses 65nm technology (lower power consumption). Improved cooling system. It's the latest version. 40GB doesn't support SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc).

    5). PAL 60GB - reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games. it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played.

    Wi-fi included in all models, except 20GB.

    They are all based on Blu-ray. They all play PS1 games.
  • yes but only on the 80 Gb model

    becuase it is software emulated some games will not work

    but most should
  • Il keep it basic

    20GB - Fully compatible

    40GB - No compatibilty

    60GB - Fully compatible

    80GB - Partially compatible (so mainy just big titles i think)

    Not sure if the new 12 n 160 GB models will have it.

    First of all go to the game section of thr XMB and make an internal PS2 memory card, then just do what you do with the PS3 discs.
  • yes. nothing specific
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