Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sony announced a 80GB Metal Gear Bundle with both hardware and software BC ! What are your thoughts ?

May be...
  • According to reports, Sony is set to release a 80GB Metal Gear Solid bundle with both hardware and software emulator limited BC ! Is this good or bad ?
  • I assume you mean "Metal Gear Solid: Guns Of The Patriot" ! Well what's the point of releasing another 80GB version with limited Backwards Compatibility but install both hardware and software emulation ! I also read that the BC titles will be select PS1 and PS 2 titles ! I'll also assume they're going to include the Dual Shock 3 controller !

    Hmmm ! It seems to me Sony can't decide if they want to make the PS3 BC or not ! It's as if they're saying yes but also saying no at the same time !

    To boot MGS: SOTP isn't due out till later this year so I guess they expect the 40GB to continue selling ! Hmmm ! Bad move Sony !

    Here's a clue Sony ! Release this bundle for say $399 and you might sell a million consoles ! $499 is still too much for a video game system no matter what the bells and whistles are !
  • you are a maniac. KILL YOUR ORC, DORK !!!
  • bc = backwards compatability?

    i think its great for people who don't have one yet and were planning on taking the plunge when metal gear came out. i thought i heard that this bundle will have the new dual shock controller too.
  • I'm sure that Sony will sell more consoles this way. I'm sure that there are a lot of people who'll buy PS3 just because MGS 4. Also those ones who are thinking of byuing one will be convinced to buy that version.
  • This is great for me cause I'm planning on getting a ps3 int he next three months. What are your sources? Have you got a link/credible source? FANTASTIC NEWS!!
  • I think its good news. I just recieved my MotorStorm 80GB PS3 Bundle in the mail yesterday from It says they are out of stock now, and I had just ordered it Monday, so makes me think I got one of the last ones.

    Its still possible to get yours hands on this previous bundle but you have look carefully. And if your lucky you may be able to acquire it at a store soon.

    This bundle comes with the new controller. If you want more info simply search "Playstation 3" at
  • It's kind of redundant isn't it? If it has hardware BC why would it need to include software BC?

    Sony releasing the MGS bundle is sort of a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing because MGS 4 is a system seller. It's probably going to do for the PS3 what Gran Turismo 3 did for the PS2. On the other hand, if it's hardware BC, will it be more along the line of 500 bucks or less or will it be over 500 bucks. If it's 500 bucks or less, I can see Sony having major success with the bundle, but if it's more than 500 bucks (around 600), I can see Sony shooting itself in the foot because not too many casual gamers are going to buy a 600 buck PS3. Sony needs to target the casual gamers. That's why the Wii is having such a huge success.
  • will the bundle include anythingelse besides the game? extra controller etc?? and price range>??
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