Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Can someone tell me how to make ps2 emulater a littel faster?

<p>May be...</p><li>Its slow<li>Depends what&#039;s bottlenecking the emulator, could be your GPU, could be your CPU, could be the emulator itself, they&#039;re not on par with PS2 speeds at this point, i tried running FF12 on one about 4 months back and even on a fairly beefy computer (Q6600 @ 3.2ghz with dual 8800 GTX in SLI) it wasn&#039;t running on par with a PS2, some frame loss, lots of bugs, and graphical artifacts<br>
I wouldn&#039;t expect to see PS2 emulators running games on par with a PS2 for a while, if ever, N64 Emulators still don&#039;t run as well as an N64

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