Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hi in 3 hours, I am going to buy the PS3 80gb. What else do I need?

<p>May be...</p><li>Hi I have Philips 38&#039;&#039;HDTV/LCD &amp; with 768P. I am going to buy the PS3 with 80gb. What else do I need? If I insert a PS3 game or Blu-ray disk to my PS3, it should be no problem right?<li>The 80GB comes with a 6ft ethernet cable, so if you would like to connect it to a wired router farther than that, you will need a longer cable. Of course there&#039;s always wireless if you have a wireless router.<br>
With an LCD TV, you would want an HDMI cable. However, Bestbuy or wherever you will get the PS3 from will try to sell you a $100 Monster cable. Do not buy it. Instead, go to www.monoprice.com and buy the same exact cable for $10. Even if you chose overnight shipping you will pay less than the Monster cable.<br>
Unlike someone else said, you DO NOT need a memory card. Games data and saves are put on the internal harddrive. You cannot run saves directly from a memory card; they must first be copied to the PS3. But even if you wanted to copy your save to take it to a friend&#039;s house, you can use any USB thumb drive, or CF/MS Pro or Pro Duo/SD memory card.<br>
However, you may want an extra controller, especially if you want to play multiplayer (Motorstorm is online multiplayer only though). But you may want to wait another few weeks if you&#039;re not in extreme need of a 2nd controller, because the DualShock 3 controllers are releasing soon. Then again, you could always get a second sixaxis, then buy the DS3 when it comes out, thus giving you 3 controllers.<br>
The PS3 controller requires you to charge it via an included mini-USB to USB &quot;A&quot; cable, but the included cable is 3&quot; long. To initially sync the controller, plug in the controller to the PS3, and press the PS button in the middle. You can then use the wireless feature of the controller, and can start/turn off the PS3 from/to standby mode by just pressing and holding the PS button.<br>
Your PS3 controller will charge via any standard USB port, so you can always charge it with your computer. I was just mentioning the 3ft cord if you wanted to buy a slightly longer cord, or a USB extension cable. Those are also available from monoprice, for about $2-3 each.<br>
If you decide to wait for the HDMI cable, you will need to reset the video settings when you switch to HDMI. Simply plug in your HDMI cable, put the PS3 on standby, and then press and hold the power button for 5 seconds (it will beep once, then a second time). That resets the video, so it will output over HDMI.<li>You need a memory card and a second controller.<li>Yea no problem. You got an hdmi cable?<li>Hi i have the 60gb PS3. The only extra thing u should need is an HDMI cord so that you can have your ps3 output in hi-def. And yes, if you put in a ps3 game of blu-ray disk it will be no problem<li>nice! you may want to buy a kick *** game on blue ray dic to test you console out. there are a lot of games coming out for the PS3 I would not mind havingtry Spider Man 3 in Blue ray the effects should show up good on that and really push the machine on graphics.<li>ahh you dont need a memory card thats what the 80gb is for.....You dont need anything else, execpt for games.... Call of duty 4 which is a must, Turok, and Heavenly Sword....And you are good to go<li>I think you&#039;re good to go. I have a good friend who just bought one over the weekend and had it all hooked up before he knew it. So if you&#039;re asking the question in regards to hooking it up to your 38&quot;LCD, I don&#039;t think you&#039;ll need any additions. However, Guitar Hero III would be something to look into. I&#039;ve tried it once and was hooked! Best of luck &amp; have fun with your gaming experiences!!<li>Plug it in and turn it on. Should be good to go. If your TV has RCA jacks on it then your set. If it doesn&#039;t then you should pick up an RF modulater or use your vcr or reciever. I don&#039;t remember having any problems when I got my 40G. Mine also works great online with a wireless router.<li>Get an HDMI cable for $50- when you hook it up it will make it look better and you don&#039;t need the crappy red white and yellow cables. When you hook it up change the video input to HDMI on your ps3 and your tv(only when gaming on tv)<br>
Get a second controller if you want to play with someone else<br>
Get Resistance: Fall of Man (GREAT GAME)<br>
If possible get glow vertical stand so it charges your controllers and holds your ps3<br>
If you play online get the gaming headset-mouthpeice combo<br>
YOU SHOULD HAVE ALL THE COMPONENTS FOR A SPECTACULAR GAMING EXPERIENCE<li>Yep that should be it except and HDMI cable. You can get those cheap and don&#039;t need a good one for a PS3.<li>yeah but even if you didn&#039;t have that hdtv/lcd it still would&#039;ve worked fine.<li>all u need is a hdmi cable for awsome graphics and a nother controller<li>Just get an HDMI cable so you can get the best possible picture otherwise you are all set as everything you need is included in the box of your 80gb PlayStation 3 whether it&#039;s an etherent cable if you plan to use a wired connection or using the built in wireless card, your controller, power cable and basic AV cable which you would replace with the HDMI cable.<li>What you need is to rethink your choice of gaming platform...

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