Sunday, March 9, 2008

40 gb online?

May be...
  • 1. can u go online with the 40 gb

    2.if so can u play online with people that have the 80 gb for the 40 gb
  • yes u can with any user dat has a ps3 the way wat games u have so we can play online :) i got motorstorm and call of duty 4 by PSN iD: el-rey-54
  • 1) Yes. wired or wireless, whichever.

    2) Yes, there's no difference in playing online. It's not like XBL with the silver and gold "tiers."
  • Yes the 40gb supports both wireless and wired connections. You can play anyone that has a ps3, if they have 20/60/80gbs it dont matter. If you need anymore help e-mail me and ill hel you out.
  • yes.. all of the ps3s have the same online features except the 20gb which doesn't have wi-fi... so you can go online with the 40gb and you can play anyone with any ps3 model as long as they are online too.
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