Thursday, March 13, 2008

About what frame rate you get when playing crysis on playstation 3 ?

May be...
  • Not out yet, but the Playstation 3 has a lot under the hood, so I wouldn't be surprised if it ran pretty smoothly on there.
  • Crysis isn't even out for the PS3 yet.
  • If it were a ps3 exclusive, it would cruise at 60fps just like all ps3 games.

    But it is a PC game, and if and when it's made for ps3, the devs will almost certainly choose the CHEAP option, which is have it ported, meaning a game that was designed to run on single or dual-core machines with 2gb of RAM will instead be running on a 7-core machine with 512mb of RAM. It will probably run no better than it would on a single-core PCwith 512mb RAM, for that reason. Maybe a little better. But I don't really care about Crysis anyway. (What is it a crisis that's really bad so you have to "cry" about it, waa waa... anyway in my experience, popular, heavily hyped games usually suck)
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