Thursday, March 13, 2008

Playstation Question?

May be...
  • Should I Sell my Ps2 (the fat one) for 100 with five games included? I'm pretty sure i should but i just wanted to make sure because they only make the slim ones now and i was thinking that maybe one day it would be worth money.
  • it will never be worth a lot of money, thats like having a computer and keeping it for 10 years waiting for it to add value, as technology advances older technology becomes worthless

  • yeah i think you should. the new ps2s are about half the size and manufacturing has improved im sure over the years so not as many glitches, fan quieter and collect less dust.

    im sure you played the games alot so you wont miss them that much. i would sell. you can get a new ps2 for 100$ or almost that price. good luck.
  • Yes, of course. But just in case you want to buy another one, don't sell the games. Try putting it on eBay. That way, highest bidder wins & you earned more than using the other way!
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