Monday, March 3, 2008

Are there any good PS2 games that 23yr olds can play?

May be...
  • I don't like excessive blood and excessive sex content. Other than that it's fine.
  • I like the sims games. Im like that also. I don't like blood and stuff so go for that, maybe a racing game or something that has to do with sports
  • umm madeen and call of duty 4
  • Gran turismo 3
  • Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Both have great gameplay and awesome stories. There is no excessive blood (although the colossus bleed black when stabbed), and no sex content at all (there are love/friendship themes, however).

    I'm 22 and they are definitley my favorite games so far (both made by the same developers: Team Ico).
  • kingdom hearts or final fantasy
  • listen to trane_209. kingdom hearts and final fantasy are awesome. get kingdom hearts 1 and 2. final fantasy 12. and get midnight club 3: dub edition
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