Monday, March 17, 2008

Good PS3 Game?

May be...
  • all right. So I am going to the mall soon to get a Playstation Eye along with Eye Of Judgement - Mainly for the PS Eye's microphone capabilities (bluetooths not working out)

    im also going to get another game for ps3.

    any suggestions? also tell me WHY i would want that/those game(s)

    Games i already have

    - Orange Box

    - Cod4

    - R:Fom

    - Ratchet And Clank: FTOD

    - Skate

    - Call of duty 3

    - Warhawk

    - NBA 2K8

    - NHL 08

    - Burnout Paradise

    - Rock Band

    - GH3

    - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

  • Rainbow Six Vegas 2 of course coming out tomorrow (hurrah)

    Reason: I see you like to buy different spectrums of popular games and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 would only broaden your choices. It has great graphics and gameplay. Rainbow Six Veags 2 has a good reputation as a tactical shooter. It is practically one of the very few first person tactical shooters that comes out on any system compared to the COD4 and r|Resistance run and gun games. Its a slower paced game but you will see a lot more of people going "go go go" and "enemy behind us"... I'm going to get it tomorrow on the release date. Hope this helps!
  • rachet and clank rocks, whatelse can i say
  • resistance is the best game i've ever played .you can't get bored of it and there is coop mode in the campain u can have fun with your friend while playing the coop mode and it's realistic and there are very cool weapon and u can deflate the weels of the cars (it's fun ) :-D
  • Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • Holy crap you don't want assassin's creed? what has gotten into you?? that game is straight up awesome! but otherwise try getting motorstorm its an aweomse game to play. or if you're big on madden. wait until madden 09 comes out
  • You should definantly get Uncharted Drakes Fortune, it's an awesome Single Player game.
  • there is army of two which i a multilayer game but you can play with the computer. its a third person shooting game like gears of war. you can customize guns like on cod4. you could get uncharted drakes fortune which is a third person shooter when you get stranded on an island and you shoot people there always fun. if you are a fan of TV series lost then you could get the game of that but doesn't look as good as the other two games
  • Uncharted:Drakes Fortune.Well i just recently got this game and i think its a class game and top notch graphics.
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