Monday, March 17, 2008

Hands down! Who is a better fighter? Kraytos the Spartan or Price of Persia?

May be...
  • Kraytos:

    1)He is a Spartan.

    2)He has God power & he defeated Ares.

    3)His blades are deadly.

    Price of Persia:

    1)He was a evil spirit power & he could transforms.

    2)A Persian soldier & now a Price.

    3)He carries a chain blade.
  • kratos can kill ANYONE. maybe not sephiroth though
  • Kratos is the most BAD A$$ character ever. He would pound anyone into the ground.

    Especially that femme Prince of Persia.
  • Kratos is a whole lot stronger and posses a better weapon than the prince. Kratos would probably just grab him and rip the poor prince in half like the way he does it to low lev soldiers in god of war 1.
  • kaytos whos kraytos i only know a kratos lol but the prince used of had the dark power n u forgot to mention his time control but that can run out so kratos would win
  • kraytos is much stronger
  • Kratos is a beast compared to the Prince...The Prince wouldn't have a chance against Kratos
  • Haha Price Of Persia....

    Kraytos because he is from SPARTA!!!!!!!!! If someone can defeat Ares he has got serious Skill.
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