Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How come on the standard tv ps3's graphics suck?

May be...
  • I mean I just got a ps3 and the graphics suck on it. I have a 27 inch standard tv sony and they look like ps1 graphics
  • The resolution on standard TVs is much lower than HD TVs so pixels are larger and do not look as good. On your PC if your resolution is probably at least 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768. That means you have 1024 pixels across and 768 pixels down. HDTVs are 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720. Regular TVs are 720 x 480 so don't look as good.

    If you get a very large standard resolution TV it looks even worse because it makes the pixels larger.
  • what game do you have

    1st person i heard ever said that

  • WOW! your the only person ive ever heard that said graphics on the ps3 suck have u played call of duty 4 on it yet the graphics are awesome
  • Lol,

    They look like PS1 graphics, ha

    Looks like you need a new TV

    a HD TV

    I have a Samsung LCD TV

    With a HDMI port for all my gaming experiences :)
  • A PS3's graphics don't look anywhere near PS1 or PS2 graphics even if you play it on a Standard T.V.

    If you aren't using Component Cables, you should.

    Also, what games are you playing on it? The early generation of PS3 games didn't have the better graphics that the PS3 games that came out later did.

    You must have an ancient television or something because I used to play my PS3 on a Standard T.V. with Component cables and the graphics were awesome ( I have a Samsung HDTV with HDMI now).
  • try plugging it in and turning it on, or take off your nan's glasses and put on your own.
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