Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Playstation 2 broke from static charge? Is that possible? HELP!!?

May be...
  • I have kept pretty good care of my PS2. The other day, I was routinely turning it on, about to sit down and enjoy some mindless entertainment. I reached out to push the “on” button, and a static charge went between me and the PS2. Now… keep in mind that I’ve been shocked many times in my life; and a lot harder than a few days ago. I thought it was no big deal.

    So I go to the kitchen to stop the microwave or something. When I returned, I realized that the PS2 still wasn’t on. I’m almost positive that I saw the green light go on when I first depressed the button. Maybe I was in a hurry.

    Anyway, the point is, that now the PS2 won’t turn on. It shows power (showing the red light). But it won’t turn to green. I looked in the manual, and it makes it sound like its no big deal, under “Troubleshooting”. It says something along the lines of “simply unplug the power cord, wait a little while, and plug back in.” Needless to say, it’s been 2 days now, and that tactic hasn’t worked.
  • if it is the slim version you are screwed otherwise you can take it to a game stop and they will direct you to a station repair shop the same thing happened to me it costs from 30-40 dollars to reapir it
  • Yes it's possible...........rare as hell.....but it can happen.
  • If it is static that did that then you are screwed, sorry. The static goes through and destroys all components. Buy another PS2.
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