Sunday, March 30, 2008

My ps2 Broke & I'm saving up for somthing else. What should I buy:?

May be...
  • Ps3,



    Xbox 360

    Other Info: I have a Xbox with only two games i that are pretty good.

    I have a lot of ps2 games i just bought & play alot.
  • You should get a ps3, especially since you say you have a lot of ps2 games that you still play.

    An 80gb ps3 would cost you $499, they will be back in stores soon with Metal Gear Solid 4 included, so you get to sneak around as Solid Snake.

    You could maybe get $100 for that xbox with games, to help you get enough for the ps3.

    The Wii is cheaper and more popular right now but is not a next-gen console, can't play in HD, it's got a weak cpu, and its games are mostly forgettable, bubble-gum party games. It won't last long beyond the analog-to-digital switch in 2009 when millions of people will get HDTV's.

    The ps3 is less likely to break than an xbox360, and is more powerful. The 7-core Cell engine in a ps3 has more processing power than a gaming PC. The RSX graphics chip is also first-rate. The ps3 will be a top-of-the-line game machine for many years. Once, long ago, there were few games for ps3, but now there are many, including many excellent exclusives.

    PS3 is free to play online, and PSN gives you connections to all your friends, with instant messaging and video chat, for free.
  • PS3 40 gb can't really play PS2 games. The PS3 80 gb can play. Report It
  • See if you can get a 60 gb ps3. They play All ps2 games, because they have the hardware to play them, unlike the newer ones that can only emulate. Report It
  • Playstation 3, the best concole and doesn't break
  • Get a PS3. You can still play your PS2 games on it (if you get the right one) I have the 80 gig and it plays all of our old PS2 games. It's also a Blu-Ray player so you won't have to buy on of those in the future.
  • PS3 short and sweet

    great system

    best system

    your system
  • PS3, amazing graphics its much better then the xbox, i'd rather get a wii then and xbox, wii is good if you have friends around alot, but if not then PS3 definetely, I'd go with PS3 you won't regret it :') !
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