Wednesday, March 26, 2008

System update problems for ps3?

May be...
  • hi peeps,

    well i just got a playstation 3 and trying to download system update 2.20. i waited for 6 hours and got to 21% then suddenly i get a error (80710723) i dont know why but i really need help.

  • bro i think u need a turbo connection or 1mb speed of internet to be faster if it dosent work download the 2.20 update from this site ok u make in the search update -----> softwer update then u download the update to ur pc then from ur pc to ps3 u copy the update to a flash mamory then u install it to the ps3
  • I wonder did you get it from the internet or a disk I guess it would be better to get it from a disk it didn't take as long for mine though.
  • it's mainly cause of your internet connection. It's either too slow or on the brink of disconnecting wen u start the download. My advice, b4 u start downloadig the update, make sure your internet connection is strong. If it took more than 6 hours to reach 21%, then your internet connection might be a little slow....upgrade!!
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