Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why does sony playstation 3 delay everything?

May be...
  • i have a sony ps3 and i love it, but i also hate the fact that every game you anticipate coming out gets pushed back (usually numerous times). it gets annoying and is bad business. also why dont they give out a release date. instead they give out a season or a quarter . sony home (spring 2008) now (Q3)star wars (summer 2008). and the funny part is they cant even make the release dates even thought its set to these timeframes instead of a specific date. final fantasy has gotten pushed back a total year and will most likely be pushed back again, home will never come out. sony always bits off more then they can chew .i know they take longer because they want to perfect a game or whatever but then dont give out a release date or try to get ppl excited when its not gonna come out forever and people will just forget about it or not even care when it comes out. is there any other reasons?
  • The problem is really the development kit (or process) . Microsoft has the process down of a good development kit, and is actually pretty easy to make xbox 360 games (while you are making a windows game). But with all the power of a cell processor its makes development a lot harder. Thus development time is going to be longer for the PS3. Thats always the problem with Power over performance which one is better. Have more power but longer development time, or not as good of power and easier to develop for.

    Most people assumed that as people got use to the PS3 that development time would cut down, but looks like people are still struggling.
  • They delay to make the games and various things perfect. Why release a game with problems, when you can work on it some more to make it better? When something gets delayed it actually makes me happy because I know Sony is fixing a problem. I'd wait another month or so for a smooth game, than getting a broken game earlier.
  • Marketing strategy.
  • Sony doesn't delay the games because they aren't the one making the game. The game developers delay the game so the game doesn't have that many problems.
  • Perfection takes time.

    Besides, don't tell me you played and finished (100%) all of the awesome released games already?!

    Home release date might be Q3 on IGN but it will be out before the end of July I just know it.
  • They don't delay everything. They didn't delay Warhawk! They haven't delayed Metal Gear Solid 4. They didn't delay Resistance Fall of Man.

    They make those release frames targeted to the kind of people who are asking to get excited about stuff. When they make those announcements so far in advance, there is no telling what can go wrong. They are only estimating the development time, and their estimates are usually right, but sometimes not. People just pay attention to the few times when they're wrong, instead of the many times when they're right.

    So that Home, and Final Fantasy, and Haze being delayed suddenly becomes "everything" when in reality the great majority of ps3 projects have finished on time, especially since the official Sony devkit became available.

    As for Home, I suspect it is having severe problems with troublemakers. People who login just to talk trash, insult other people, or even stalkers or perverts. On game servers there are always people there just to be a nuisance, well on Home they are all basically in the same place. What to do with them, how to ban them? I bet Sony is wrestling with that issue right now. I can't see any other reason why a beta test would take more than a year.
  • The first answer was a good one. I'll also piont out that they delayed putting the system itself out because they didn't want to have a bunch of screw ups (like the XBox 360).

    Good things come in time. I do, however, wish they would hurry up with PS Home. I'm a looser like that.
  • You're asking this as if release delays are exclusive to the PS3. It's not. Delays are a problem across all type of software development. PC games have all kinds of delays. Warhammer Online just got delayed. Duke Nukem Forever? Ha! Even Windows Service Packs aren't immune to delays. XP SP3 has been delayed for what now? 2 years? Vista SP1 was delayed too.

    Giving a release date is never a good idea for the software companies, because you never know when you'll run into an unexpected problem and have to delay your release. But if they don't give a release date, then someone else will complain because they want a release date. Even if they don't release any date, someone else (ie, GameStop/EBGames) will make up a release date.
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