Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why does condemned 2 come out 1 week later for the ps3 than for xbox 360?

May be...
  • I heard that duplication story too. And it's total BS. Duplication issues don't pop up on the shipping date. Duplication issues pop up when the game goes gold (when the discs are pressed). Which Condemned 2 did quite awhile ago.

    The conspiracy theorist in me smells a one week exclusivity deal that came up last second. The Sega message boards, who are publishing the game, didn't know about this "duplication issue" until 3/10. The day before shipping. These aren't newspapers coming off the press. This is media that has to be produced, packaged, sealed, and shipped. Is Sega new to games? Did they really save all of this for the day before shipping? What does that tell you about the product itself? Add to the fact that some Walmarts reportedly have the game in stock, and are selling it today. Guess those weren't affected by "duplication issues".

    Do what I'm doing: next week, go buy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 instead. Show Sega that you won't buy into their lies.
  • According to PSU.com, there were some "duplication issues" with the PS3 version.

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