Wednesday, April 30, 2008


May be...
  • is it out on the 29 of april and i was wondering if you can go in all buildings and blow up any windows
  • get the hell off here kagan you tool
  • You can only enter certain buildings...but can bust out windows in cars and some buildings, using rocks and bricks and such
  • No. Only certain buildings are accessible and have "breakable" windows.
  • I have the game but i don't think you can do that.
  • in some building only you can enter
  • its out on 29 april yh which was yesterday and u can only break windows of the buildings that u can access on GTA4
  • **** if i know, i dont have the ******* game yet you *****
  • not sure i tried and it had a glitch kept reloading when i tried
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