Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Know any Good Playstation 3 Games?

May be...
  • My husband was siked to buy Grand Theft Auto 4 yesterday but found out they don't have it out for PS2. They have it for PS3 and X-box.

    Other than GTA4, are there other good games out there? We like games like House of the Dead but not war games and don't care for the Sim series. I personally like the Mario games and Ratchet and Clank games but read that the latest Ratchet and Clank game was terrible.

    Or should I bite the bullet and buy a Wii? I was really hoping to buy a $60 game and not a $500.00 system!
  • There are a few good games for PS3 actually. From my recent memory, they are Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Assassin's Creed, and of course everyone's favorite online shooter Call of Duty 4. To be honest, I am not really a war game fan either before COD4 converted me. It just looks too good to pass on. I am glad I gave it a try cause and now I am a fan, but still not a fan in other war games at all. lol

    Since you like zombie game, there is this survival horror game called Condemned 2 for PS3 (also on xbox) you might want to check it out as well.
  • the ratchet and clank game for PS3 was one of thebtter launch titles. other games you shoudl look into if your interested in the PS3:

    heavenly sword

    uncharted: drakes fortune


    devil may cry 4

    lair(lair has a quirky control scheme that most publications and somegamers hated, but there is a downloadable patch to give you an alternative)


    the orange box

    gran turismo prologue(i would reccomend renting this as it is not the full game, but a teaser of sorts)

    assassin's creed

    metal gear solid 4 in june

    guitar hero(with the aerosmith version set to hit stores in june)

    also there are some downloadable gems like:

    everyday shooter(basic top down shooter, but entirely muscially based with a novel chaining system for better points)

    super stardust HD(the playstation's answer to geometry wars)

    high velocity bowling(like wii bowling, but withbetter graphics and control)
  • LOL I got both the wii and ps3 and just to say my ps3 sees more action. and besides its kind of hard to buy a wii at the moment
  • Wii is like EyeToy You'll get sick of it and the types of games you can play is VERY VERY limited. Maybe you should try Need for speed? racing games up ur alley?
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
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