Saturday, April 12, 2008

Helghast Troops?

May be...
  • What do you think the normal helghast look like without mask? (from killzone)
  • The Helghast troops without a mask look pretty normal. Their faces and their skin are just a little bit pale, but that's about it. The Helghast troops aren't like alien monsters though.

    Also, in the opening scene of Killzone (the first game) you will see the Helghast leader making a speech to thousands of other Helghast soldiers and you see what they look like.

    In the first Killzone game, you fought alongside one guy that used to be a Helghast soldier because he defected the Helghast soldiers that he used to fight with and he became one of the good guys.

    In Killzone, I like the weapons/guns that the Helghast soldiers use a lot more than the weapons that the miltary unit (ISA) uses.

    Oh yea, in Killzone 2, a lot of the game will take place on Helghan, it's the home world of the Helghast troops.
  • An Alien.
  • Your mother :D

    Well they are actually supposed to be Vektans who are damaged by the pollution of their planet, I expect they look a lot like Scolar Visari but maybe a bit paler and wrinklier.
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