Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How do I turn off my PS3 from the home screen?

May be...
  • Up until now I've been loading a game to turn it off. There has to be an easier way...
  • hold down the ps button on your controller.

    It will say

    "switch of contorller"

    "switch of system"

    add my psn id lazyfire
  • There's a switch behind your PS3. Just switch it off.

    Then there you have it.
  • Press the center button in the center of the controller.

    From here, you will have options of:

    -Turn off Controller

    -Quitting Game

    -Turn off System

    -Controller Settings

    Just choose quit game and turn off the PS3 by pressing main power button or turn off system which will turn off the console without you touching the power button.
  • Hi, whatever you do DON'T turn it off from the main switch at the back, this can cause the system to malfunction as it is basically the same as pulling the plug.

    To turn it off you can hold the PS button on the controller for like a sec and it will say

    "Turn Off the System" and

    "Turn Off the Controller".

    You can also hold down the touch button on the console for a few seconds. But I think the controller might be easier and better.

    Hope this helps, Thanks
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