Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Problem downloading PS3 Guitar Hero 3 update?

May be...
  • I set up wireless on PS3 to my existing wireless network and so far I've downloaded/installed system update easily, and also an update for Rock Band.

    The update for Guitar Hero 3, though, times out before it can get past 4%. "An error occurred... (80710723)" It always comes after unexpectedly it logs me out of PSN also. Thinking maybe it's a port thing, I set up a DMZ and use a static IP instead. Again all is well including internet browser, I can watch YouTube videos, etc, but if I load Guitar Hero 3 and try to install the update, same problem.

    Any ideas?
  • Hmmm... NEver had this happen to me, but I have experienced problems with Guitar Hero 3. Just wait a couple days, and see if it goes away and if it doesn't try Emailing Activision or calling them.
  • delete gam data utility, no save

    download again
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