Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How many women like to play Warhawk on th PS3?

May be...
  • I've met a few that play. The few that I've played with are rather good and know what they are doing.
  • Not very many. I have played Warhawk since it was released, and I have yet to hear a female voice on a public server. Guess girls aren't so much into battle stategy and airplanes.

    I've noticed at least one clan on the gamebattles ladder that is all-female, though. So there are a few.
  • I think more women play Wii. Warhawk is more of a "dude's game".
  • i love warhawk and i wish i knew some women who even owned the ps3. my friends list is a sausage party
  • lol have no idea. Warhawk is more of a "man's game". wii really is made for women..
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