Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If the 40gb ps3 costs 39.99 how much will it cost in june 2008?

May be...
  • pelase anaswre i awan buy
  • I got mine for £300 and no i don't think it will go down untill 2010 as there starting to get money from the model 40gb.
  • The price won't really go down. They just started the production of the 40GB'S.

    I didn't even bother buying the PS3, I have so many other systems. I'll just buy the PS4. Buying the PS3 now is just a waste of money now.

    So yea The price will stay the same.
  • If you don't want to spend $400 for a 40GB PS3, you can get a used one off of craigslist, ebay, or amazon.
  • They are going to have a slight price drop by the end of the year. When the 80gb comes out again it will be 500 again. But it will have an emotion engine and a dual shock 3.
  • first things first it costs 400 dollars and the price will most likely to not drop they say it is to much money to be droping the price you can bye used ones at a cheaper price
  • Most likely $400. It wont go down because they just started making the 40GB and it will be the only one left.
  • 399.99 the price wont go down just because there re-releasing the 80GB
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