Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can you connect ps2 to my laptop to play without using a TV sceen?

May be...
  • Hiya,

    I was wondering if there is a way to connect the ps2 to my laptop and use its screen to play the games rather then using a TV.

    Moving to uni and I hardly use the TV. Dont see the point of paying for tv Licence when I hardly watch anything.

    Thank you
  • It is highly unlikely that your laptop will come with any forms of video input. You will need a video capture card of some sort.

    There are many USB video capture devices. With it, you can plug your PS2 into the device which will convert it into USB signals and play it on your laptop screen.

    Do a search on "USB Video capture" you'll get tonnes of devices.
  • Been there , Done that . I used the Pinnacle Studio PCTV-USB. It worked ok but the video lagged.
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