Thursday, April 17, 2008

Most Frustrating Level You Have Ever PLayed?

May be...
  • On a mainstream console, preferably on a current or prev gen console.

    I would say either climbing that giant kebab in hades in GoW or in Jak 2 when you have to get the seal peice from the end of the water district and have to fight your way out through legions of krimzon guard and laser turrets wihtout touching the water,
  • The last part in the last level of Black. I couldn't beat the end of it and I didn't want to restart the whole thing, so I had to leave my PS2 on for 4 days so I wouldn't go back to the begining and my PS2's rotor burnt out.and it broke, but I still beat the level and won a day before it did. Man, I love that game.
  • Jordan by Buckethead on expert on Guitar Hero.....still haven't beat it.
  • Crash Bandicoute (the original one). The last stage before the final boss. So many lives lost
  • For the ps2. This race In Midnight Club Dub Edition. I still can't beat it.

    As of current gen, A level in Blazing Angels 2
  • Through The Fire and The Flames on expert...Oh, boy...
  • Stuntman - that last level was a beeotch and I gave up.

    GoW - that hades spike wall thing crap.
  • Defeating Krew in Jak II
  • Lest stage of Nightshade for PS2. Basically an entire stage without a floor, so you have to bounce off walls and enemies to get to the end. And if you get hit, you likely fall to your death.
  • Grand theft auto vice city. when you had to kill that cuban guy with the mansion. he was pretty hard to kill.
  • Haha, Jak 2 is basically unbeatable without some type of Action Replay or CodeBreaker.

    Mine would have to be anything on any Crash Bandicoot Game
  • I would say killing Officer Tenpenny in GTA: San Andreas....I still haven't killed him. DAMN that fire truck!!!!
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