Monday, April 28, 2008

Ps3 slim and lite?

May be...
  • Will the ps3 slim and lite come with a boomerang controller, and does it have card readers,how many usb ports do you get,and how many gb the hard drive ?

  • From what i've seen and heard, the slim ps3 will just be a slimmed down version of the PS3, no new or additional hardware. The boomerang controller was a concept back in 2005 and was discontinued a long time ago. So it will not come with one. There will probably be about 2-4 USB ports on it, and the hard drive could be anything, based on how much they will cost when it comes out this fall. My predictions are: Black Silver or White, 4 USB ports, Wi-Fi (and wired internet) HDMI, 80 GB or 120 GB HD, and 1 Dualshock 3 controller.
  • There hasn't been anything Officially announced by Sony about a PS3 slim.

    I would guess that a PS3 slim might come out sometime by the end of next year, but that's just what I think.

    And I doubt that Sony is going to make a Boomerang controller for the Slim PS3. The Boomerang controller was only a concept design that was shown at E3.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
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