Monday, April 21, 2008

When did you buy your ps3?

May be...
  • I'm buying mines sometime in june!

    (choose me for best!)
  • a few months ago whenever they introduced the 40gb model.
  • Late March last year. So I've had it for a lil over a year and still hasn't given me a problem. F*** Xbox! lol jk
  • I got my 60GB PS3 in late December of 2006 in the U.S.

    I didn't get a PS3 directly at launch because I didn't have all my money saved up, but a month after the PS3's launch, I had enough money and I had to use Ebay to get my PS3 because they were sold out everywhere. And yes, I paid more for my PS3 than the retail of $599, but it was worth it to me.
  • I got mine in August 2007 when the 80gb model came out. Well, my first game for ps3 was obvisouly motorstorm...yay that was a nice game...
  • i got the 80gb for christmas
  • I got an 80gb for christmas and i love it.
  • I got my PS3 right after christmas. During christmas I got the most money from family, and I sold items on ebay and got the most money from those since it was close to christmas. Also, I bought my PS3 during christmas from sony style because that's when you get the cheapest and best deals.

    Here's the deal I got:

    -40GB PS3

    -Very low tax

    -Free Shipping

    -2 SIXAXIS wireless controllers

    -6 Blu-Ray movies

    All of this for only $417
  • Probly next year, you know once MGS4 and GT5 are out
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