Thursday, April 17, 2008

Where Do You Want The Next GTA To Be Set?

May be...
  • Or where do you think it should be set.

    I dont want London because it will be just like the Getaway, i dont want a jungle, i dont want a remote area.

    I wrote down about 12 different thoughts here but they were all rubbish, what do you think?
  • I would like to see the next GTA game set in Japan or China.

    I'm kinda tired of seeing the GTA games set in America and would like to see the next GTA game set in Europe or Asia.

    It would be cool to have the next GTA game set in Japan and the main character was this Asian guy and the plot of the game had you fighting against the Japanese Yakuza Gangs or something like that.

    Also, it would be really nice to see a future GTA game that brought together all of the previous main GTA game characters in to one game, now that would be awesome.
  • any where but....LA, NY or florida...i'm tired of all that crap......
  • it would be cool if it were set in detroit or maybe chicago
  • In my home town lol
  • how bout somewhere cold, so they could really capture the next gen console power by making the snow look amazing, and the breath freezing....coming out faster when he is running and slower when he is calm....i think subtle things like that really make the difference in a video game
  • I can only hope that the playable area is big enough to represent an entire "big city" and then much of the outlying area to give it that San Andreas feel, but perhaps a Mid West setting like Cleavland, Cincinnati, or even the Northeast like Boston (the accents would be great). Something like that.
  • there won't be another gts after gta 4. and there was already a gta set in london. it came out after gta 2 for ps1. but if there is a new one, it should be in chicago, baltimore, or dc
  • Detroit Rock City. Paradise city looks pretty badass to. Go kill some people then watch a few races.
  • Yup I agree with Clint B. I'd love to see what they could do with the setting in Chicago.
  • Japan!
  • make one in chicago could you imagine jumping off the sears tower.
  • Florida
  • You're thinking about present day. What about different eras in time?

    My friend had this idea of a GTA Renaissance game.

    You steal a guy's horse instead of a car and run away. etc...

    Sword fighting...
  • I was thinking somewhere in an Asian setting. Somewhere like Tokyo, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. That would be a really cool game because it will be a change for once.

    Or maybe the desert like Assassin's creed.

    I want it to be in an Asian place though. Wouldn't that be cool?
  • I would say somewhere in the South. Either New Orleans, or Houston, or heck, maybe even Atlanta!
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